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FBG Simulation Software

Application Features Demo

The customer friendly software has two main functions: First, an FBG filter design according to an adjustable filter mask. Second, simple FBG synthesis by given physical paramters like length and index modulation.

The results are whether displayed graphically like the power shape or the delay curves, or are shown numerically like the bandwidths, reflectivity, length and index change. The software tool is tar- geted on all customers that have to check fastly and uncomplica- ted the feasibility of the use of FBGs for their application.

  • Displaying power spectrum, phase and delay functions
  • Adjustable filter mask to synthesize appropriate FBGs
  • Numerical output of all physical and optical parameters
  • FBG synthesis 15 pre-defined and adjustable apodization functions
  • Printable simulation report in open SGML formate

Download a free demo version here!

Technical Requirements
PC system
Operating system

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