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 FBG Sensors

 Optical strain gauges

 Assembled FBG sensors

 Vibration Sensor

 Crack Sensor

 Embeddable Strain Sensor

 Temperature Sensor

 Displacement Sensor

 Monitoring systems


Assembled FBG Sensors

Features Application Packaging

Assembled or packaged sensors are available for adapting the FBG's perfectly to the actual environment.

Because the most measurement projects require flexibility regarding their FBG packaging, assembled sensors only for few standard applications have been fully developed. If your current application needs special packaged sensors please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Vibration monitoring of rocks or structures
  • Strain monitoring of civil structures with the sensor directly embedded within concrete
  • Displacement monitoring between walls, rocks, pipes, etc.
  • Measuring temperature by simply inserting a probe

Packaged Sensors